Ultrachem, headquartered in New Castle Delaware, exports synthetic oils worldwide to the OEM and industrial maintenance markets.
Ultrachem, oldest specialty lubricants compounder for industrial applications, compressors, gears, chains, and vacuum pumps.
Home: Premium synthetic oils, compressor oils, and gear oils
The Company: Ultrachem Inc, manufacturers and worldwide distributors of synthetic oils, lubricants and greases
Products: Synthetic oils, lubricants, and greases available from Ultrachem Inc.
Search: Search Ultrachem抯 synthetic oils, industrial lubricants, greases, compressor oils, gear oils
Service Bulletins: Ultrachem products, compressor and vacuum pump oils, assembly fluids, chain oils, gear oils, greases, and more.
Contact Us: Contact Ultrachem Inc for premium industrial lubricants, synthetic oils, lubricants and greases
Info Request: industrial lubricants, synthetic oils, compressor oils and greases


公司总部与生产设施位于New Castle, Delaware-美国高技术工业区。公司的宗旨是当客户需要选择润滑产品时,为他们提供一种与其它润滑产品有更高性能价格比的产品。






Ultrachem Inc, one of the oldest specialty lubricant compounders located in the United States.  
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